Disclaimer: Stupid beersnobbery follows...
To shamelessly cop the Hot Knivez style: my soundtrack for this is (appropriately I think) Seasick Steve.
Without going into the backstory of this beer, which is in fact quite interesting, I will cut to the chase. Poured from the bottle, the Atlantic IPA is a deep, slightly hazy orange coppery color, very grainy scent and epic head, not unlike a poorly made rootbeer float. The roasted grains dominate the flavor, though it has some fruity moments at first. Unfortunately, the leave behind is a sour/bitter aftertaste that hides any subtleties of subsequent sips. The hops are there, though for someone who has come to think of IPAs the way we make them out west, they are quite understated. It is pleasantly carbonated, and, despite the time it must have taken for it to even reach me and for me to get around to drinking it, fresh tasting.
Is this good beer? Yes. Is this the best beer in the world? No. Does it have a fucking killer label? Hell yes. Is it worth all the wait, the hype and the price*? Nope. Should you go and watch the trailer for Brewdog's newest beer? Most certainly.
Next up, beers from the righteous font of all things, hip, vegan, crust and generally fucking rad, Portland, OR.
*Thanks EP/AV
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