Monday, January 4, 2010

Knives, big fuck off shiny ones.

If you, like me, have never owned proper kitchen knives, do not worry. If you need to cut some shit up so you can cook it, any knife will do and that is that. However, if you want to know what it feels like to enter your kitchen and smell the fear of every legume, feel the shiver running through the seeds of every fruit, and know at long last that even the fucking onion is crying and pissing itself, get a serious cook's knife. Money isn't the point, you don't need a matched set or a fancy wooden storage block. Hell, you don't even have to use the thing if you don't want to, but just having it there brings priceless peace of mind. I don't know about you, but I sleep soundly now, fearing no mango pit, no spaghetti squash, not even a frozen chunk of mock chicken. And if your bitchin' new knife fails to force all of your culinary minions into abject compliance, I recommend a machete from Thailand. They even cut garlic. But that is another story...


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