Saturday, October 2, 2010

Literated and Obliterated: Pursuit of an idea that may prove to be more than a little stupid...

So I am going to try a new "thing" on this here web-log, a sort of Special Feature for me to bust out from time to time when I have nothing more interesting to say. A while back I mentioned the idea of drinking while reading. It was specifically in reference taking a shot at the end of every stanza of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, a game that a younger me played with alarming regularity back during the campaign years.

However, it could be so much more. Re-reading that post, and coming on the phrase "literated and obliterated" got me thinking, thinking that there are websites, and probably even library full of drink pairings for every dish imaginable, drinking games for every movie, special cocktails for every occaison. Without actually researching this hunch, I have decided to just assume that I am correct and proceed under the assumption that (despite the irony of storing this information in libraries) such a database does not exist for literature. Again, research could prove me wrong, but since I won't be doing any research, I'll assume I am right. That's what you'd do in my shoes, yeah?

So, if you are sitting down with the latest New Yorker, or your new audiobook from the library, or whatever you actually call whatever it is that you read on a Kindle, consider enjoying a beverage simultaneously. This new Literated and Obliterated feature will be about pairing written works with their best mixological counterpart, hopefully providing useful information about both. In true OSB form, it may not happen again for months, or it may happen thrice this week. Who knows, but its my parade and I will stop and smell the funnel cake if I damn well please.

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