Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Time flies when you are doing sweet fuck all.

So it turns out that, while I was busy not writing blog posts and doing other stuff, a whole year went by. Last October I started this shit to see what it would be like, and I guess it ain't so bad. Granted, I post rarely, rarely write about anything relevant and probably swear too much for most audiences in most red states. But, either way, here am I is, pecking away at the same old POS mac laptop with the same two fingers on each hand. Though this fall finds me significantly less employed, I should add that this development has been for the best (I think, I hope...)

So, whether or not you are in the same place (mentally, geographically, spiritually, literally, etc) as you were last October, thanks for reading all of the hot gas horseshit that I have managed to drum up. I would promise to do better as we go forward, but who knows. Maybe I'll get some ambition someday and find something actually worthwhile to write about. Or, god forbid, I might get a job and actually not have time to blast the cybercloud with my hourly mysanthropies. Who knows.

What I can say is that I will probably keep making some beer, and drinking some other folks' beer, while listening to obscure, mediocre music no one cares about. You might hear about it. And if I don't stay the course to end up in the same exact fucking spot next October, you might hear about that too. I'll worry about me, you all worry about... well, whatever it is you feel like you aught to. Or fuck it, one up me and don't worry at all. I hear that is really the way to go. Maybe you can try it and get back to me? I'll be right here...

Just don't forget to vote next week, or I will send Mike Huckabee, a komodo dragon and the security guard who tasered that kid at UCLA to stomp your ass. Really though, please consider voting.

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